Welcome To Integrated Acupuncture Medicine
Integrated Acupuncture Medicine was founded by Y.M. Chen, Ph.D (OM). L.Ac and is family-owned and operated. Dr. Chen has practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for Psychosomatic Disorders, Neuromuscular and Musculoskeletal pain for 30 years. He has specialized in Chinese Periocular and Scalp Acupuncture for both internal and pain medicine. He has studied and trained at the Traditional Chinese Medical College of Hong Kong, Chinese Taiyuit Acupuncture Research Institute of Hong Kong, and Amoy University in China. Dr. Chen has received the “Outstanding Medical Treatment Golden Award” from the Third World and Asia Traditional Medicine Conference. He is also a certified diplomate of World Tung’s Acupuncture Association and Doctor of Philosophy in Oriental Medicine from the American Liberty University. In addition to his practice, Dr. Chen has served as president of Arizona Society of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture (AZSOMA) for number of years. He was a director of Coalition of Arizona Acupuncture Safety (CAAS) and the Emeritus of Asian Medicine and Acupuncturists of Arizona (AMAAZ).